Danny Danino turns to the museum’s displays, drawing inspiration from the numerous collection objects and reinterpreting in his own way – through ballpoint pen drawings and watercolour paintings – the everyday history of Tournaisis throughout the ages. Among others,
He presents us with a new collection of globes with colourful drawings deconstructing the wedding floral arrangements!
Multiple objects from daily family life exhibited at the museum made Daniel Locus reminisce about his childhood: he presents a video wherein he recalls the joy and pain of his infancy, but progressively the thread of his narrative becomes undone…

Practical information
Tous les jours de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 17h30
Fermé le mardi
Réduit des Sions, 32-36
B 7500 Tournai
+32 69 22 49 69
Did you know?
Through its objects, the museum evokes the daily life of the families from Tournai and its surrounding plains since 1800.
The museum also highlights the folkloristic, artisanal, and industrial heritage of Tournai such as porcelain, rugs, printing, bellfounding, …
It is home to a room dedicated to the Royale Compagnie du Cabaret Wallon Tournaisien, the replica of the large relief plan of the city as commissioned by Louis XIV, and the oldest fry shop in Belgium!
On the outside wall of the museum, do not miss the urban ceramic art by Dany Danino.