Amid the blades, helmets, guns, and pennants, the two artists play around with military symbolism and our perspective on military history.
Dany Danino makes use of visible emblems from uniforms and associates them with warrior symbols: an eagle perched on a swastika, yet the normally powerful and proud bird of prey is stripped of its might, beaten down, in agony, …
Daniel Locus in turn addresses the issue of objectivity vs. subjectivity in historiography and regarding the mythical figures associated with war. The subject of his efforts was a painting from the Tournai museum of fine arts representing Christine de Lalaing, princess of Epinoy defending the city of Tournai, then a major centre of the Reformation, against the Spanish troops of Alexander Farnese.

Informations pratiques
Tous les jours de 9h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 17h30
Fermé le mardi
rue Roc Saint-Nicaise, 59
7500 Tournai
+32 69 23 42 85
Did you know?
A stone’s throw away from the central square, the museum takes the visitors on a journey through the military history of Tournai and Tournaisis from 1100 to 1945.
Through the different conflicts which the city endured.
A rich collection of arms, uniforms, and equipment as well as an abundance of iconography plunge you into the rough and dangerous conditions lived by soldiers throughout the various epochs, from the fortified medieval city to the two world wars of the 20th century, passing by the French Revolution and French Empire along the way.